
Profit sharing (an empty promise) J David Spurlock 20 August 2016 "[Wallace] Wood told [me] that as the reason he left Marvel; that he felt he was contributing too much to the storylines to not be paid some of the writing fee and that he had been promised a profit-sharing deal if his art boosted the sales on DAREDEVIL ...which it did. And then he didn't get the extra money." — Mark Evanier facebook Nov 21, 2012 at 6:37pm Patrick Ford: It's my opinion that Martin Goodman never would have offered a profit sharing deal to a freelancer. There was nothing to motivate Goodman to do that since the comic book marketplace was depressed and there were many more creators looking for assignments than there were assignments to be had. J David Spurlock: I think Stan said it. J David Spurlock: Goodman did send PERSONAL (not company) checks to many at Christmas but it was not specific to sales. Patrick Ford: It's my guess that all talk of profit sharing and royalties came direct from Lee and that Goodman knew nothing about any such promises. Patrick Ford: It sounds like a way of Lee passing the buck. When Wood, Kirby and Ditko demanded the writing money which Lee was pocketing Lee would dangle promises. J David Spurlock: Goodman did promise royalties before :) Patrick Ford: You mean Captain America in 1940 ? Perhaps. There is really no proof of that.
