
What do margin notes tell us?
Patrick Ford 16 August 2016 Kirby inked by Chic Stone, FANTASTIC FOUR #28. Around this time Lee's story notes on pages vanish and are replaced by Kirby's. Just as is the case with the earlier notes by Lee the Kirby notes are almost always simple guidance for the person who is going to write the dialogue. The fact Kirby began using written notes on the pages allowed Kirby to avoid wasting time by having to take half a day to take the train into Manhattan and explain the story to Lee in Lee's office. Kirby was also able to avoid meeting personally with Lee. Some of the meetings were heated as indicated by Kirby destroying the story intended for HULK #6. It's also known that Lee would take advantage of any creator who was in the office by asking them to make art corrections cover designs and story ideas.

Patrick Ford 16 August 2016 Kirby inked by Richard Ayers. FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #1. Notice the margin notes on this page are all by Lee. What does that indicate? The only logical assumption is that Lee jotted down a few notes on the art pages as Kirby sat there in Lee's office and explained the story to Lee. I have see advocates for Lee say Lee's notes were directed at Kirby, but that would only make sense if Marvel was handing Kirby pages of art board with Lee's notes and a panel grid already on the page before Kirby began drawing. Dave Rawlins: And we know that Kirby brought his own supplies, as did all the 60s Marvel freelancers. Patrick Ford: There is no dispute concerning Kirby and others having to purchase their own supplies. Dave Rawlins: Hey, maybe all the freelancers were toting blank sheets of Bristol board into Stan's office so he could scrawl his notes on them. ;) Patrick Ford: An idea like that would quickly be latched onto by Lee's True Believers. They grasp at chaff floating in the air after a threshing.
