
Lee's "short plot summaries" were "practically nothing" and after he got ideas from artists Steve Meyer 30 May 2017 Mark Evanier on the Mark Peters article http://www.newsfromme.com/2017/05/29/jacks-year/ "I have met and talked with just about everyone who was around then and who was available to talk about it - Ditko, Heck, Brodsky, Goldberg, Ayers, Stan's brother Larry, and even Stan himself. All of them (repeat: all) said it was like that and that when Stan came up with 'short plot summaries,' even Stan said that often, they were practically nothing - just a sentence or two and sometimes verbal - and that often they were the results of brainstorming sessions with the artists, meaning that the artists had the basic ideas." Steranko describes a typical Lee plot [Note: the "landing on a balloon" plot was already used in one of the famous EC comic "Weird Science" issues - I think 17 or 18 - ed] Patrick Ford November 2, 2017 Ken Meyer Jr. has posted a pdf copy of SPA FON #5. http://www.kenmeyerjr.com/uploads/5/5/7/8/55780583/spafon5a.pdf The issue includes an interview with Jim Steranko. Steranko describes a story conference with Stan Lee which sounds almost exactly like those described by Steve Ditko. Lee suggests some threadbare idea (or as Lee would say an idea "Which was old when the Universe was young). Ditko rejects the idea and proposes something different. J David Spurlock STERANKO: "Then I came home and wrote MY story" [which had nothing whatsoever to do with any idea Stan thought he had].
