The Great American
                Novel Act 1:
                the danger Act 2: rising action Act 3: the ball Act 4: crisis Act 5: triumph the Franklinverse part 2, act 1:
                the new danger

Fantastic Four Quiz


  1. Beginner:    Willie Lumpkin level
    (a quick way to get up to speed)

  2. Familiar:    Yancy Street level
    (issue numbers)

  3. Expert:    Kubik level
    (events in the story)

  4. Historian:    Roy Thomas level
    (real world references)

  5. Beyond omega:    Watcher level
    (designed to humble the most nerdy fan)

  6. Trivia king:    Mad Thinker level
    (if you haven't memorized every issue then skip this one!)

(Important: questions are about the FF from 1961 to 1989.
That's pre-Simonson, and not Marvel Two In One etc.)





The Great American Novel